Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Years & Happy Waiting!

My posts are a little bit off! My last post about P-day was written the day before this most recent P-day if that makes any sense at all, haha. Well, this last Monday (my 2nd P-day with Elder Mejia), was AMAZING. I was so blessed to get the reassurance and care that I needed in his emails. They definitely lifted my spirits up, and I have been able to start week 3 with more strength and confidence!! We are over a half a month in, and while it isn't much, it's a lot for just starting out. If I learned anything these first 2 weeks of waiting, it's that this first part is the toughest!! I still feel so accomplished because I've completed the hardest part. I'm almost 1 month in, and while each day is tough and I still feel very sad and frustrated, it does get better.

The "winter break blues" has become a thing. Being on winter break does not help my case whatsoever. I haven't worked in over a week, and I've been out of school since the beginning of December. So! I've had way too much time on my hands to think about everything and miss him even more!! I NEVER thought I'd say this, but I'm so ready to go back to work & school!!! I want to be busy, and I want to accomplish things. I feel so, unproductive... and it makes me more upset to not do anything. I'm currently in Illinois, visiting family for Christmas.. and it has been nice. Being here makes me SUPER lazy, because it's literally like a winter vacation. We stay cozied up inside with family because it's cold outside and because we are on break! I love my family and I'm grateful for the time that I've been able to spend with them. I pray that I am able to enjoy & cherish each moment with them and I'm trying not be negative.

Now back to P-Day for a second... OH HOW I LOVED YOU. My man is seriously the sweetest!!! <3 I'm so happy that we were able to email back-and-forth a few times before he got off. It was the best 20 minutes!!

Here is just a tiny portion of the sweetness I received. He melts my heart!

Isn't he the cutest? Gotta love him!

Elder Mejia loves the Christmas package I sent him!! :)

I am beyond satisfied with my emails from my favorite missionary. I hope & pray they continue to be like these. I know that some will be shorter and less exciting some weeks. I still hope they remain something like this.

He even mentioned that "the elders in my dorm are wowed by the beautiful girl I got!"
How sweet!! I'm so happy that my boy is being well taken care of and that he is being supported my so many others. They are all in it together, and they know each other's pains. I'm so happy for him.

The computers in the MTC are SUUUPER restricted, of course! So I haven't been able to receive a bunch of pictures and videos that he wants to send me. He says he has some special videos & pictures specifically just to send me & I'M SO EXCITED! I'll have to wait until he gets to the mission field, but I have something to look forward to!! Can't wait!

DEAR ELDER! I sent my first one Christmas night.. I believe.. and he got it & loved it! So DearElder is a hit! I have already written him a second one a couple of days ago, and he should have received it already.

My Elder goes to Twin Falls from the MTC January 6!! 5 more days he will be out in the field, here we go!! I'm excited for what this year will bring. It's going to be a challenge, for sure. But I know that God is there for me. I. Can. Do. This!!!

HAPPY NEW YEARS!!! I cannot believe it's already here, yet the last two weeks of 2014 felt like forever. Here's to an amazing 2015, even if I'm far away from my love! I still want to make the best of it!! COME AT ME. I GOT THIS!

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